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Vibrant Minds
Vibrant Minds: Back-to School Season
Vibrant Emotional Health

Role: Editor


An episode of Vibrant Emotional Health's internal video podcast that focuses on supporting youth mental health during the back-to-school season

Family Link Plus
Family Link Plus: Helping Families Feel Connected and Support
Vibrant Emotional Health

Role: Producer and Editor


An informational video in which Vibrant's Family Link Plus program director outlines the support her team provides, and a program participant shares how the service has impacted her life.

Brandon Marshall PSA
Brandon Marshall on the Impact of 988
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Role: Editor


Former NFL player Brandon Marshall shares a personal reflection on how 988 could have provided crucial support during the toughest moments of his life.

The Impact of Being There
The Impact of Being There
Vibrant Emotional Health

Role: Producer and Editor


A PSA that highlights the importance of actively supporting people in your life who are struggling with mental health and may be considering suicide.

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